What We Do

We are an independent NHS advisory group, made up of service users, and their families, commissioners and providers (midwives and doctors) working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity and neonatal care.

We collect service user feedback through a variety of means, such as our survey, listening events, community outreach and site visits. We share all feedback with staff at the maternity unit and look for trends and themes. These are shared with the people who shape maternity services including the Director of Midwifery, Head of Midwifery, Neonatal Operational Manager Head of Obstetrics and Commissioners. We ask them how they will make changes as a result. We review and co-produce these themes through projects with maternity services, involving service users wherever we can.

NHS England’s recent 3-year delivery plan for neonatal and maternity services states:

“Voices of all women including those from diverse backgrounds must be heard, and services should work closely with all service users to collaboratively plan, design and improve care.”

You feedback, we listen.

Your voice matters! To share your experience please fill out our survey. If you would prefer a phone call please just get in touch at hello@lutonmnvp.com to let us know.

Our mission is to improve the quality and safety of maternity and neonatal care by listening to the experiences of women, birthing people, and their families.